Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Annas: Community Oil Palm Plantations Is Not Excavated Prosperity Source Yet

JU-In 2011 people’s oil palm plantations in Rokan Hilir (Rohil) covering an area of ​​118,551 ha. It describes the amount of investment made by the farmers to have the palm oil plantations, either by using their own funds or through bank credit. If every acre planted 8, 5 million Rupiah of capital, then the amount of investment to be approximately Rp 1, 01 trillion. A very large amount for any business size.
Similarly given by H Annas Maamun, Head of Rokan Hillir Regent in
International Seminar “Sustainable Palm Oil Plantation for Community Welfare” at Premiere Hotel Pekanbaru, Thursday (27/9).
The seminar was organized in order of University of Riau’s (UR) Gold Anniversary, focused on discussing about the development of oil palm plantations for community welfare and economic development.
There were also Rismansyah Danasaputra Annual Plant Director, Drs H Zulher MS Head of Plantation Riau Province, DR Ir Hinsatopa Simatupang MM Chairman of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), M. Rachmat Adiwiganda from First Resources Group (FRG) Pekanbaru, M Abdul Majid Ikram Assistant Director of Bank Indonesia's Riau province, as well as Prof Dr Almasdi Syahza SE MP as a Professor of Agribusiness.
The material is also presented by international speakers, including Prof. Dr. HJ Heeres MSc from the University of Groningen, Netherland, Prof Dr Jumat Salimon from Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Dr Junji Nagata MSc from the University of Tokyo, Prof. Kosuke Minozu of Kyoto University, Dr. Ancient Hirimitsu from JICA Japan , Ardian Suharto of Neste Oil, Pte, Ltd. Finland.
The event lasted for one day, opened and inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Ashaluddin Jalil MS UR Rector. On that occasion also held a symbolic handover from the Rokan Hilir Regent, one unit of ambulance and Six Billion Rupiah.
In addition, the MoU also conducted between UR and Rokan Hilir Regent and also the launch of a book entitled “Sustainable Palm Oil Plantations For Community Welfare”.
The seminar was attended by academics, businessmen, and students sponsored by the Institute of Research (Lemlit) UR, UR Faculty of Agriculture and the UR International Office. (Sumber:

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